Get the work-Life Balance you desire And energize Your life

I help healthcare workers experiencing burnout feel engaged, excited and aligned in helping others without sacrificing time, energy, or freedom to pursue the activities that light them up, in and out of the workplace.

Hi, I’m Carissa!

As a licensed physical therapist and health and wellness coach, I have personally experienced hardships including poor work-life balance, difficulty with healthy eating, lack of self-care, nonexistent stress management strategies, and decreased energy, all of which led me to feeling BURNT OUT. I felt like the more I committed to being the best therapist, the most attentive partner, and the most engaged best friend, the more I lost sight of myself and spun faster into the burnout cycle.

I know I am not the only one, so tell me…

Is your energy depleted by the end of the day?

Do you feel like the need to be “on” all day contributes to burn out?

Are you constantly giving so much of yourself but have nothing left to give yourself by the end of the day?

Are you mentally, physically, and cognitively exhausted despite how much sleep you get at night?

Do you find yourself taking on more work, staying late, or bringing work home due to not having enough time in the day to get everything done?

If you answered “YES!” to any of the questions above, find out how to maximize your energy, attain more happiness and balance, and feel confident setting boundaries in your life by clicking the link below.

if you can Dream it, you can be it.

As a certified health coach, I am fully equipped to support you through specific challenges related to professional burnout in order to reignite your passion and guide you to fulfill your life dreams. 

Together, we will restore your relationship with yourself by identifying what areas of wellness need some TLC so you are able to show up fully engaged in your career and in life with more enthusiasm, energy, and vitality!


you will learn how to:

  • Improve your energy through movement, nutrition, and sleep

  • Set personal and work boundaries, including learning when to say “no”

  • Prioritize self-care and putting your needs before others

  • Implement different mindfulness techniques to manage stress and energy

  • Learn to take “reset” breaks throughout the day

  • Find joyful and engaging activities to bring more happiness and gratitude into your life



Creating a plan that works for you

Through my personalized coaching, I’ll work alongside you to develop an individualized plan to achieve full body wellness and reduce feelings of burnout—using an integrative approach addressing the practices of nutrition, exercise, meditation, self-care, and more.